Collection Methods

Collection Methods

Dart does not support array unlike other programming. Dart collections can be used to replicate data structure like an array. The dart:core library and other classes enable Collection support in Dart scripts. Dart collections can be classified as-

Dart Collection Description
Sets Sets are the fundamental data structures which represents a collection of objects in which each object can occur only once.
Maps The Map object is a simple key/value pair. Keys and values in map may be of any datatype.A map is a dynamic collection.
Lists List are the ordered collection of objects. Theu play cruical role in dart applications.

Iterating collections

The iterator class from the dart:core library enables easy collection traversal. Every collection has an iterator property. This property return oan iterator that points to the objects in the collection. Example

import 'dart:collection';
void main(){
  Set<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7};
  for (int number in numbers) {

The output of the above example:-


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