The dart:async library contains two types that are important for many Dart APIs: Stream and Future. We have talked about Future, Now let’s talk about Stream.
Asynchronous programming with streams in Dart allows you to work with a sequence of asynchronous events. Streams are particularly useful for handling events like user inputs, data from network requests, and real-time updates.
For Asynchronous programming which uses callback functions. A Stream is a way to get a sequence of values, such as events. Future, Stream, and more are in the dart:async library. The dart:async library works in both web apps and command-line apps.
It can be created through three ways:
It is used when you already have a stream.The most general approach is to create a new stream that waits for events on the original stream and then outputs new events.
Stream<String> lines(Stream<String> source) async* {
// Stores any partial line from the previous chunk.
var partial = '';
// Wait until a new chunk is available, then process it.
await for (final chunk in source) {
var lines = chunk.split('\n');
lines[0] = partial + lines[0]; // Prepend partial line.
partial = lines.removeLast(); // Remove new partial line.
for (final line in lines) {
yield line; // Add lines to output stream.
// Add final partial line to output stream, if any.
if (partial.isNotEmpty) yield partial;
Some of the transforming methods
.where((int x) => x.isEven) // Retain only even integer events.
.expand((var x) => [x, x]) // Duplicate each event.
.take(5) // Stop after the first five events.
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
// Create a stream that emits values 1 to 4 with a delay
Stream<int> stream = Stream<int>.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (count) => count + 1).take(4);
// Listen to the stream
stream.listen((data) {
print('Received: $data');
}, onDone: () {
print('Stream is done');
If the events of your stream comes from different parts of your program, and not just from a stream or futures that can traversed by an async function, then use a StreamController to create and populate the stream. A StreamController gives you a new stream and a way to add events to the stream at any point, and from anywhere. Example
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
// Create a broadcast stream
StreamController<String> controller = StreamController<String>.broadcast();
// Add listeners to the stream {
print('Listener 1: $data');
}); {
print('Listener 2: $data');
// Add data to the stream
// Close the stream