The future and async/await are the ones that are used in Asynchronous programming to deal with the execution of program to not wait util one function finishes to move forward.
A async/await keyword make asynchronous programming code async function returns a Future and await pauses the execution of the function until the future completes. Example
import "dart:io"
void main()async{
String data = await fetchUserData();
Future<String> fetchUserData() async{
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
return 'User: Andy';
A Future represents a potential value or error that will be available at some time in the future.The Future as “means getting a value sometime in future.” Several of Dart’s bult-in-classes return a Future when an asynchronous method is called. You can use ’then, ‘catchError’, ‘whenComplete’ to handle a ‘future’.
import "dart:io"
void main(){
File file = new File( Directory.current.path+"\\data\\contact.txt");
Future<String> f = file.readAsString();
// returns a futrue, this is Async method
print("End of main");